Monthly Archives: May 2010

Sekelumit Pesan Allah

Hari ini kayanya saya ngga produktif banget di kantor..entah mulei jenuh ato apa, padahal baru aja beres dari liburan,, tapi yang pasti saya senang besok dapet tugas luar..ahaha..jalan-jalan skalian nambah ilmu..yayy!!

Allah memang selalu tahu apa yang sedang dibutuhkan hamba-Nya.. Alhamdulillah.. ^_^

Dan rasanya malu kalau inget belakangan ini saya jauh sekali dariNya. Astagfirullah..

Terimakasih atas peringatanMu ya Allah..semua yang aku rasa kini, sekelumit perih dari ujung kaki dan rambutku,,kupercaya itu semua dari dan akan kembali padaMu..

Engkau slalu tahu cara terbaik mengembalikan hambaMu ke jalan yang benar..dengan cara istimewa yang tak pernah dibayangkan manusia..Terimakasiih..

• Hatiku yang tersenyum untukMu •

-My Mushroom 19.48-

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Filed under Hari Ini


“Temani,,temani aku,,temani,,temani aku..
Bila nanti kau milikku..
Temani aku hingga tutup usiaku..”

Lagu lama..namun seketika mampu menyentuh..
Membuat saya teringat sang partner..yang saya sebut ‘partner hidup’.

Rumah untuk hati yang terkadang tak tahu arah,,
Musik untuk jiwa yang kadang terwabah sepi,,
Pelangi yang selalu hadir di akhir hujan yang turun,,
dan Senja yang warnai hari-hari yang terkadang usang oleh waktu,,

Yang kuingin ada hingga akhir hidupku.

My Mushroom. 22.00

Me,,From Magical Wordberry.

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Filed under Dedication Letters

My Future ‘Love’ Life

Hey World!!Finally we meet again,,and so do me with my own blog..haha..

After all of this time, about a couple of years i guess, it’s me again, back to write some-trash-of-mind into this worldwide diary..Let’s start in English..haha..

Hey world!!What about life?Mine is good, yet it’s not perfect, but it still great! After all, i’ve got what people always dream of in life. Family, Love and Career. What else could be better??Nothing i believe..

Family??I get them all back,, complete..Even we’re living in miles apart, we still well-connected each other. My family, analogically as a country, is a developing family,,haha.. why?Because not any longer, my brother is getting married.. and its mean, my turn is getting closer, my love life will have its least after this middle-year.hahaha..*start to panic* wkwkwk..

Speaking about bout u?have u ever plan about marriage? Yea of course for those who have never been married before..And how about me??have i ever planned mine??haha..*can I pass this self-question?* OK, NEXT!!xixixi.. Yeaa, it’s kinda traumatic question for a twenty-something girl like me..hihi..Anyway, for those who are planning any marriage, best of luck for you all. Let LOVE lead you to the happiness. 🙂

And again, World, speaking about happiness,  few days ago, Indonesian ex-vice president’s wife has just passed away. And it’s like an eyes-opening moment for every couple in this country. Only by seeing how they loving each other. How they depending on to each other. Such a nice couple indeed.. Their intimate, their love, are model for those who are in love, who have been in marriage for years or even for a decade.  World, when his wife passed away, he said “She was born for me, as well as me, born for her”. Quite touching huh??Yea, i do think so..and since then, i always wondering, for who I am destined? (Is it a right grammar or not?blah, dont really care,,i know u guys understand what i mean,,hahaha..). How about you?Have you ever ask the same question to this universe??Let your heart answer it. 🙂

Shorten the story,,(I start to having no idea,,and this cant be good for this first post.. wkwkwk..). Lately, it’s always been a part of my pray to God..Wishing that someday..guy who’s with me now, will be my future. My Future Husband. 🙂

OK!Now, I guess I start to really speechless..writeless actually..wkwkwk..nice start tho..haha..such a self praise! ;p

So I think i’ll write to ya’ll later.. 😀

My Mushroom 12:05

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Filed under Hari Ini